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WoW TCG- Comprehensive Raiding Rules

Someone asked for them, so here they are- the comprehensive raid rules list. This is an old list, but it is still valid, and it's the only known one in existence (that I know of) that is the latest edition.

World of Warcraft™ TCG Raid Rules

Updated September 29, 2008

R1.    General

R100.    Raid fundamentals
R100.1    Raid decks are played by a Boss player against a number of raiding players. Each raiding player needs a deck and hero. If a raiding player has an Alliance hero, then no raiding player can have a Horde hero, and vice versa. No other restrictions apply. For example, Traitor heroes can raid with non-Traitors, and Demon heroes can raid with non-Demons.
R100.2    A Boss player wins if no other players remain in the game. The raiding players win if the final Boss is destroyed by fatal damage.
R100.3    A Boss player’s action phase is normal in all ways except that he or she can’t place a resource. In addition, a Boss player can’t look at his or her face-down resources at any time.
R100.4    A Boss player’s end phase follows his or her action phase, and is normal in all ways except that a Boss player’s maximum hand size is ten cards. Each raiding player has a maximum hand size of seven cards as usual. Each player must discard down to his or her maximum hand size during the wrap-up step of his or her turn as usual.
R101.    Boss fundamentals
R101.1    A Boss is any hero in a Boss player’s party. Bosses have powers on both sides. Such powers function only if they’re on the side currently visible.
R101.1a    Usually, only one side of a Boss has a type line and damage icon. Such a Boss enters play with that side face up, and has that type line and damage icon even while on its other side.
R101.1b    A modifier that flips a Boss turns it over regardless of which side is visible (but see R101.3a).
R101.2    If a Boss is destroyed, any allies or ongoing abilities controlled by the Boss player stay in play unless otherwise specified in these rules.
R101.3    Special Boss Rules
R101.3a    Bosses can be destroyed only by fatal damage. Opposing modifiers can’t turn a Boss over or remove its powers (unless that Boss is the source of the modifier that does so).
R101.3b    Opposing modifiers can’t add cards to or remove cards from a Boss player’s resource row.
R101.3c    A Boss player has a separate graveyard for each deck. Opposing modifiers can’t remove cards from any of these decks or graveyards. A Boss player doesn’t lose the game if any of these decks runs out of cards. If that happens, that deck’s graveyard is shuffled into that deck by the game (even if cards can’t leave that graveyard) and the Boss player continues drawing from it. This doesn’t use the chain.
R101.3d    Some Bosses have the immune keyword power. An immune Boss can’t be attacked, damaged, or targeted. In addition, Black Temple Bosses can’t attack while they’re immune.
R101.4    Some Bosses are represented by multiple cards, and “swap” between those cards during a raid. As one Boss card swaps with another card representing the same Boss:
·    The new card enters play face up and the old card is removed from the game.
·    The new card enters play ready unless otherwise specified.
·    The new card enters play undamaged. Any excess damage doesn’t carry over.
·    Attachments attached to the old card stay attached to the new card.
·    Counters on the old card stay on the new card.
·    Modifiers affecting the old card continue to affect the new card within their durations.
·    None of this uses the chain.
R2.    Onyxia’s Lair™
R200.    Starting the raid
R200.1    The Boss player shuffles the Main deck and the Event deck.
R200.2    The Boss player starts the game with Onyxia Stage 1 in play.
R200.3    Each player puts the top seven cards of his or her deck into hand and may mulligan as usual. The Boss player uses the Main deck.
R200.4    The Boss player takes the first turn and skips his or her first draw step. Play proceeds clockwise with all raiding players drawing a card during their first draw step.
R201.    Boss player’s turn
R201.1    The Boss player’s start phase consists of a ready step and draw step. As the draw step starts, he or she draws cards equal to the current Stage (R203.1). This doesn’t use the chain.
R201.2    The Event phase follows the Boss player’s start phase. As it starts, the Boss player reveals the top card of the Event deck and adds it to the chain. Event cards can’t be interrupted by players.
R201.2a    As the last part of resolving an event card, put it into the Boss player’s resource row face down and ready.
R201.2b    Some event modifiers have a duration of “this turn” or “until your next turn.” Such an event may be left face up in the Boss player’s resource row until its duration expires, as a reminder. This doesn’t change its functionality; it’s still a face-down resource.
R201.3    The Boss player’s action phase follows his or her Event phase.
R202.    Boss destruction
R202.1    If Onyxia Stage 1 or 2 takes fatal damage, swap (R101.4) her with the next stage Onyxia. The new Onyxia enters play with the same readiness as the old Onyxia.
R202.2    If Onyxia Stage 3 takes fatal damage, the Boss player loses.
R203.    Raid-specific concepts
R203.1    Stage
R203.1a    There are three different stages:
·    Stage 1 starts as the raid starts.
·    Stage 2 starts as Onyxia Stage 2 enters play following the destruction of Onyxia Stage 1.
·    Stage 3 starts as Onyxia Stage 3 enters play following the destruction of Onyxia Stage 2.
R203.1b    Some ability cards have bold text that says “Stage X Only,” where X is 1, 2, or 3. Such cards can be played only during that stage.
R203.2    Event
R203.2a    The Boss player adds the top card of the Event deck to the chain as each Event phase (R201.2) starts.
R203.3    Whelp
R203.3a    If text refers to a Whelp, it’s referring to a Dragonkin ally token named Onyxian Whelp with 1 [fire] ATK / 1 health.
R3.    Molten Core™
R300.    Starting the raid
R300.1    The Boss player shuffles the Main, Minion, and Ragnaros decks.
R300.2    If the raid is to be played in the standard rather than the “full clear” mode, the Boss player randomly chooses three rune cards to be the Rune deck and removes the rest from the game. The chosen runes are not revealed to the raiding players. In a “full clear” raid, all rune cards become the Rune deck.
R300.3    The Boss player orders the Rune deck from lowest to highest Boss number, then sets it aside until required (R301.5a).
R300.4    The Boss player starts the game with Lucifron and two Flamewaker Protectors in play.
R300.5    Each player puts the top seven cards of his or her deck into hand. The Boss player uses the Main deck and can’t mulligan. Raiding players may mulligan as usual.
R300.6    The raiding player to the left of the Boss player takes the first turn, and then play proceeds clockwise. All players draw a card during their first draw step.
R301.    Boss player’s turn
R301.1    The Boss player’s start phase consists of a ready step and draw step. The Boss player readies all cards (including runes) and ally tokens he or she controls during his or her ready step and draws one card during his or her draw step. That card is drawn from the Main deck before Ragnaros awakens (R303.1), and from the Ragnaros deck thereafter.
R301.2    The New Boss phase (R301.5) follows the Boss player’s start phase.
R301.3    The Minion phase follows the New Boss phase. As it starts, the Boss player places the top card of the Minion deck face down into his or her resource row without looking at it. This doesn’t use the chain. Next, a priority window opens. As it closes, the Minion phase ends.
R301.4    The Boss player’s action phase follows his or her Minion phase.
R301.5    New Boss phase
R301.5a    As a New Boss phase starts, if there is a Boss in play, that phase ends and the Boss player’s Minion phase starts immediately. If there is no Boss in play, the following happens in order:
·    The Boss player reveals the next rune in the rune deck, which identifies the next Boss on its type line. If there are no more runes, the next Boss is Majordomo Executus.
·    The Boss player identifies the ally tokens associated with the next Boss as follows:

Order    Boss    Ally Tokens    Rune      

2    Magmadar        Kress      
3    Gehennas    2 Flamewaker    Mohn      
4    Garr    8 Firesworn    Blaz      
5    Baron Geddon        Zeth      
6    Shazzrah        Mazj      
7    Sulfuron Harbinger    4 Flamewaker Priest    Koro      
8    Golemagg the Incinerator    2 Core Rager    Theri      
9    Majordomo Executus    4 Flamewaker Elite, 4 Flamewaker Healer       

·    A priority window opens, an effect is added to the chain, and then the Boss player gets priority. That effect can’t be interrupted by players. As it resolves, the next Boss, its rune (if applicable), and its associated ally tokens all enter play at the same time. As that window closes, the New Boss phase ends.

R302.    Boss destruction
R302.1    As a Boss is destroyed, the Boss player does the following in order, without using the chain:
·    Removes that Boss from the game.
·    Turns all face-up runes face down.
·    Removes all Minion cards in his or her resource row from the game face up.
R302.2    Next, an effect is added to the chain, then the turn player gets priority. That effect can’t be interrupted by players. As it resolves, the Boss player puts those Minion cards into his or her ally row.
R302.3    If a Main deck card refers to “your hero” while no Boss is in play, it’s referring to the last Boss that left play.
Example: You are the Boss player and your hero is Golemagg. You play Flames of the Incinerator on your turn. Before the start of your next turn, Golemagg is destroyed. Flames of the Incinerator deals 4 damage at the start of your next turn because “your hero” is still referring to Golemagg. After the next Boss enters play, Flames of the Incinerator deals 1 damage at the start of each of your turns.
Flames of the Incinerator, 2, Ability — Molten Core
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, your hero deals 1 fire damage to attached character, or 4 damage if your hero is Golemagg.
R303.    Raid-specific concepts
R303.1    Awakening
R303.1a    Majordomo Executus is the penultimate Boss. He can’t be destroyed. At the end of each turn, if the Boss player controls no allies while Executus is in play, he flips. When he does, Ragnaros awakens, which means the Boss player does the following in order, without using the chain:
·    Removes Majordomo Executus from the game.
·    Removes the Main deck and its graveyard from the game.
·    Removes his or her hand from the game.
·    Removes any allies in his or her party from the game.
·    Removes all Minion cards in his or her resource row from the game face up.
R303.1b    Next, an effect is added to the chain, then the turn player gets priority. That effect can’t be interrupted by players. As it resolves, the Boss player does the following in order, without using the chain:
·    Puts those Minion cards into his or her ally row.
·    Puts Ragnaros into play with his Submerged side face up.
·    Shuffles the Ragnaros deck, puts the top seven cards into hand, and can’t mulligan. The Boss player draws from the Ragnaros deck for the rest of the raid.
R303.2    Minions and ally tokens
R303.2a    As each Minion phase starts, the Boss player places the top card of the Minion deck face down into his or her resource row without looking at it. Only Minion cards can enter the Boss player’s resource row. If a modifier tells the Boss player to put a card from his or her deck into his or her resource row, that card is taken from the Minion deck.
R303.2b    Minions and ally tokens put into play by the Boss player can’t leave play unless they are destroyed (either directly or by fatal damage).
R303.3    Rune
R303.3a    Rune is a new card type specific to Molten Core™. Like resources, runes can be exhausted to pay resource costs whether face up or face down. However, runes are not resources. Modifiers that count resources don’t count runes, and vice versa.
Example: Volcanic Lair reads, “At the start of your turn, if you have five or more resources, destroy target opposing hero.” This counts only face-down Minion cards in the Boss player’s resource row; it doesn’t count runes.
R303.3b    Each rune is associated with the Boss specified on its type line, and enters play as that Boss enters play. Runes enter play face up in the Boss player’s rune row, next to his or her resource row. Each rune has one or more powers that function while it stays face up.
R303.3c    As part of destroying a Boss (R302), its rune is turned face down. A face-down rune stays in the rune row and can still be exhausted to pay resource costs. Runes can’t leave play.
R304.    Molten Core™ FAQ
What is The Bomb? Is it related to the Living Bomb ability?
The Bomb is an element of the Baron Geddon encounter, generated by the powers of the Rune of Zeth. At the end of each of the Boss player’s turns, he or she chooses an opposing hero to be The Bomb. Players may wish to write down which hero is The Bomb, or mark it with a distinctive counter. At the start of each of the Boss player’s turns, Baron Geddon deals 5 fire damage to The Bomb and each ally in The Bomb’s party. The Boss player then chooses a new (or the same) hero to be The Bomb at the end of his or her turn, and so on.
Living Bomb is an ongoing ability that is particularly powerful during the Baron Geddon encounter, but it isn’t related to the mechanics of The Bomb.
Ancient Core Hound, Ally—Core Hound Minion, 3 [Melee] ATK / 3 Health
When Ancient Core Hound enters play, roll a die.
1-2: Exhaust all opposing allies.
3-4: Ancient Core Hound deals 2 fire damage to each ally in a party of your choice.
5-6: Put an opposing ally into its owner’s hand.
The Boss player rolls a die as the triggered effect resolves, then chooses a party (3-4) or opposing ally (5-6) as required. Ancient Core Hound can put an untargetable ally into its owner’s hand.
Azuresong Mageblade, 4, Weapon—Sword, Melee (1), 1 ATK, 3 Strike
When you draw a card, put a verse counter on Azuresong Mageblade.
(1), Remove three verse counters >>> Draw a card.
To use the power of a particular Azuresong Mageblade, you must remove three counters from that particular card. Using the second power to draw a card will trigger the first power.
Benediction, 5, Priest, Two-Handed Weapon—Staff, Melee (1), 1 ATK, 4 Strike
When your hero heals damage with an ability, draw a card.
Exhaust your hero >>> Put a card named Anathema from your graveyard into play.
Benediction triggers multiple times if your hero heals damage from multiple characters with a single ability, but it triggers only once for each character, regardless of how much damage is healed. Anathema is a card from the Through the Dark Portal set. Having both in play will cause a uniqueness violation.
Rune of Kress, Rune—Magmadar, Boss 2
At the end of your turn, roll a die.
1: Nothing happens.
2-3: Magmadar deals 1 fire damage to each hero and ally in a party of your choice.
4-5: Magmadar deals 3 fire damage to an opposing hero or ally.
6: Each opponent puts an ally from his party into its owner’s hand.
The Boss player rolls a die as the triggered effect resolves, then chooses a party (2-3) or opposing character (4-5) as required. He or she can choose an untargetable character. If the die roll is 6, each opponent chooses an ally from his or her party.
Shadowstrike, 3, Two-Handed Weapon—Polearm, Melee (1), 3 ATK, 3 Strike
(1), Destroy Shadowstrike >>> If your hero has Enchanting, draw two cards.    
Your hero has Enchanting if it has the Enchanting profession on its type line.
Shazzrah, Hero—Flamewaker, Boss 6, 13 Health
[Front]: Shazzrah has +2 ATK while attacking and can attack only heroes.
(1) >>> Flip Shazzrah. Use only once per turn.
[Back]: When Shazzrah flips to this side, drop him from at least three feet above play. He deals 5 arcane damage to each opposing hero and ally he lands on.
At the start of your turn, flip Shazzrah.
Before Shazzrah’s triggered effect resolves, each player is free to move his or her characters, but they must remain lying flat and wholly on the table within the boundaries of that player’s “normal play area,” which has the approximate dimensions of a playmat. Each opposing ally token must be temporarily proxied with a normal card. Characters can’t be positioned so they overlap other characters. As Shazzrah drops, players can’t interfere with him or any cards in play. Shazzrah lands on a character if it comes to rest touching that character or any object(s) touching or overlapping that character, including sleeves, counters, or other cards. And if you think of any other way to mess with him, that doesn’t work either!
R4.    Magtheridon’s Lair™
R400.    Starting the raid
R400.1    The Boss player shuffles the Main deck.
R400.2    The Boss player starts the game with Chained Magtheridon and five Channelers in play.
R400.3    Each player puts the top seven cards of his or her deck into hand and may mulligan as usual.
R400.4    The raiding player to the left of the Boss player takes the first turn, and then play proceeds clockwise. All players draw a card during their first draw step.
R401.    Boss player’s turn
R401.1    The Boss player’s start phase consists of a ready step and draw step.
R401.1a    As the Boss player’s ready step starts, he or she readies all of his or her cards in play. Simultaneously, he or she also places a card from the Blood pile into his or her resource row face down and ready. Simultaneously, if Magtheridon is Unleashed, the Boss player also gains a Blood (R402.2). None of this uses the chain.
R401.1b    As the Boss player’s draw step starts, he or she draws a card, or two cards if Magtheridon is Unleashed. None of this uses the chain.
R401.2    The Boss player’s action phase follows his or her start phase as usual.
R402.    Raid-specific concepts
R402.1    Unleashing
R402.1a    If a Channeler would leave play, remove it from the game instead. When the last Channeler leaves the Boss player’s party, or the Boss player places his or her fifth resource, flip Magtheridon. This triggers an effect that can’t be interrupted by players. As it resolves, the Boss player does the following:
·    Gain a Blood (R402.2)
·    Put all five Cubes (R402.3) into play
·    Put Magtheridon’s Lair (R402.4) into play with its Cooldown side face up
·    Swap (R101.4) Chained Magtheridon with Unleashed Magtheridon.
R402.2    Blood
R402.2a    As each of the Boss player’s turns start, he or she places a Blood card into his or her resource row face down and ready. These cards are normal resources for the rest of the game; they are no longer Blood cards.
R402.2b    After Magtheridon is Unleashed, the Boss player also gains a Blood at the same time. To gain a Blood, take a card from the Blood pile and put it into play face up. Blood cards in play are not resources. Raiding players can’t interact with them in any way.
R402.2c    Some cards allow the Boss player to destroy Blood cards to pay a cost. A Blood that has been destroyed doesn’t enter a graveyard; it’s simply put back into the Blood pile.
R402.2d    If the Boss player runs out of Blood cards, he or she can use any other means, such as counters or dice, to represent the number of Blood in play and resources in his or her resource row.
R402.3    Cube
R402.3a    Cube is a new card type specific to Magtheridon’s Lair™. All five Cubes enter play as Magtheridon is unleashed (R402.1) and stay in play for the rest of the raid. Raiding players can’t interact with Cubes except as follows:
·    During each raiding player’s turn, that player may exhaust a character in his or her party to attach a Cube to that character. A character can be exhausted this way regardless of how long it has been in that player’s party. The same player can exhaust multiple characters this way, but no more than one Cube can be attached to the same character at the same time.
·    A character can exhaust to attach a Cube even if that Cube is already attached to another character. If it does, that Cube detaches from the first as it attaches to the second.
·    Having a Cube attached doesn’t stop a character from readying. If a character readies while it has a Cube attached, that Cube detaches.
R402.4    Lair
R402.4a    Lair is a new card type specific to Magtheridon’s Lair™. Magtheridon’s Lair enters play with its Cooldown side face up as Magtheridon is unleashed (R402.1) and stays in play for the rest of the raid. Raiding players can’t interact with it in any way.
R402.4b    At the end of each of the Boss player’s turns, flip Magtheridon’s Lair.
R402.4c    While its Nova side is face up, at the start of the Boss player’s turn, if any Cubes are unattached, Magtheridon deals 10 fire damage to each opposing character, including those with Cubes attached.
R402.4d    When it flips to its Cooldown side, put 2 damage on each character with a Cube attached, and then detach all Cubes.
R403.    Magtheridon’s Lair™ FAQ
Cleave Apart, 2, Instant Ability
Destroy an ability, ready ally, and equipment controlled by target raiding player.
You choose the three cards as this resolves. You can target a player who doesn’t control all three.
Eredar Wand of Obliteration, 4, Weapon—Wand, Wand (1), 1 [Shadow] ATK, 1 Strike
When your hero deals shadow damage to an opponent's hero, you may destroy an ability, ally, or equipment you control. If you do, that opponent destroys an ability, ally, or equipment he controls.
That opponent chooses the card he destroys. It need not be the same type of card you destroyed.
Fel Ruination, 2, Ability
Play only if seven or more Bloods are in play.
Raiding players destroy an ability, ally, or equipment they control for each Blood in play.
If there are seven Bloods in play, the raiding players must destroy a total of seven cards they control, rather than seven cards each. Raiding players collectively choose the cards to be destroyed as this resolves. They can't choose cards that “can't be destroyed.”
Fiery Pits, 2, Ability
Raiding players put 15 damage divided as they choose on any number of heroes and/or allies in their parties, putting no more than fatal damage on each character.
“More than fatal damage” is damage in excess of a character’s health. Raiding players must put a total of 15 damage on characters in their parties, rather than 15 damage each.
Glaive of the Pit, 7, Two-Handed Weapon—Polearm, Melee (1), 5 ATK, 1 Strike
Opposing heroes have -5 health.
If you play a second Glaive of the Pit, uniqueness destroys one before hero destruction is checked.
Liar's Tongue Gloves, 4, Armor—Leather, Hands (1), 2 DEF
(1), [Activate] >>> Name a card type and remove a card in your hand from the game face down. Target opponent guesses whether that card has that type, then reveals it. If he's right, put it into your graveyard. Otherwise, put it into your hand and draw two cards.
The eight card types are ability, ally, armor, hero, item, location, quest, and weapon. Equipment isn’t a card type.
Superior Mana Oil, 1, Item
Superior Mana Oil enters play attached to one of your weapons.
At the start of your turn, you may reveal the top card of your deck. If it's an ability card, put it into your hand. Otherwise, put it into your graveyard.
This is the first non-ability attachment. You can play it even if you have no weapons. You choose one of your weapons as it resolves. If you can’t, it enters your graveyard rather than play.
Toss About, 2, Ability
Play only if one or more Bloods are in play.
Each raiding player rolls a die. If one or more players roll odd, Magtheridon deals 1 melee damage to each of those players' heroes, and then all raiding players roll again.
Raiding players roll repeatedly until all of them roll even at the same time. Once players start rolling, nobody gets priority until all players roll even, and so each player must keep rolling, even if his or her hero accumulates fatal damage.
R5.    Black Temple™
R500.    Starting the raid
R500.1    The Boss player shuffles the Main, Minion, Event, and Betrayer Event decks, and then sets aside the Betrayer Event deck until required (R501.1b).
R500.2    The Boss player starts the game with High Warlord Naj’entus (Boss 1) in play.
R500.3    Each player puts the top seven cards of his or her deck into hand. The Boss player uses the Main deck. All players, including the Boss player, may mulligan as usual.
R500.4    The raiding player to the left of the Boss player takes the first turn, and then play proceeds clockwise. All players draw a card during their first draw step.
R501.    Boss player’s turn
R501.1    The Boss player’s start phase consists of a ready step, a draw step, and, while The Betrayer is in play, a Betrayer Event step.
R501.1a    The Boss player readies all of his cards as the ready step starts (including all Event and Betrayer Event cards) and draws one card from the Main deck as the draw step starts.
R501.1b    While The Betrayer is in play, the Betrayer Event step follows the Boss player’s draw step. As it starts, the Boss player adds the top card of the Betrayer Event deck to the chain. Next, a priority window opens. As it closes, the Betrayer Event step ends. Players can’t interrupt Betrayer Event cards.
·    All Betrayer Events are ongoing, so each enters play face up as it resolves and stays in play for the rest of the game. While a Betrayer Event is face up in play, it’s not a resource, and raiding players can’t interact with it in any way.

·    If the Betrayer Event deck runs out of cards, the Boss player skips this step.

R501.2    The Minion phase follows the Boss player’s start phase. As it starts, the Boss player places the top card of the Minion deck face down into his resource row without looking at it. This doesn’t use the chain. Next, a priority window opens. As it closes, the Minion phase ends.

R501.3    The action phase follows the Boss player’s Minion phase.
R502.    Boss destruction and events
R502.1    As a Boss is destroyed, the Boss player does the following in order. None of this uses the chain unless otherwise noted:
R502.1a    Removes that Boss from the game. If a card refers to “your hero” while no Boss is in play, it’s referring to the last Boss that left play.
R502.1b    Destroys all face-up Events.
R502.1c    Turns each face-down Event resource face up, one at a time, and adds it to the chain, and then the turn player gets priority. Players can’t interrupt Event cards.
·    Once an Event resolves, it’s put into the Event graveyard, unless it’s ongoing.

·    If it’s ongoing, it re-enters play face up, and it is put into the Event graveyard as the next Boss is destroyed. While an Event is face up in play, it’s not a resource, and raiding players can’t interact with it in any way.

·    After each Event resolves, the Boss player turns over the next Event and adds it to the chain, until none remain.

R502.1d    Removes all face-down Minion resources from the game face up.

R502.2    Next, an effect is added to the chain, and then the turn player gets priority. Players can’t interrupt that effect. As it resolves, the Boss player puts those Minion cards into play face up as allies, along with the next Boss.
R502.2a    Each Boss has the words “Boss Hero” followed by a number (1 through 9) on its type line. Bosses enter play in ascending order.
R502.2b    The next Boss enters play with the number of Event cards specified on the right side of its type line. As that Boss enters play, the Boss player puts that many cards from the top of the Event deck face down into his resource row without looking at them.
R502.2c    Some Bosses also enter play with ally tokens. Each token specifies its associated Boss on the right side of its type line, followed by the number of tokens that enter play with that Boss.

Order    Boss    Ally Tokens    Events    Threat      

1    High Warlord Naj’entus        -    4      
2    Supremus        1    5      
3    Shade of Akama    6 Ashtongue Channelers    2    6      
4    Teron Gorefiend        2    7      
5    Gurtogg Bloodboil        3    8      
6    Shrine of Lost Souls    3 Soul Fragments    3    9      
7    Mother Shahraz        3    10      
8    The Illidari Council    Gathios the Shatterer, High Nethermancer Zerevor, Lady Malande, Veras Darkshadow    4    -      
9    The Betrayer        5    -   

R503.    Boss-specific concepts

R503.1    Teron Gorefiend (Boss 4)
R503.1a    The following “ghost rules” apply only while Teron Gorefiend is in play.
R503.1b    All players and characters are non-ghosts by default. If a player becomes a ghost, all characters in that player’s party also become ghosts. The Boss player never becomes a ghost.
R503.1c    In general, non-ghosts can’t interact with ghosts, and vice versa. For example:
·    Ghosts can’t attack or damage non-ghosts, and non-ghosts can’t attack or damage ghosts.

·    Shadowy Constructs, however, are ghosts that can attack and damage only non-ghosts. As a result, if a Construct is attacking a non-ghost, the non-ghost can’t damage the Construct and, if a ghost is attacking a Construct, the Construct can’t damage the ghost.

·    Only ghost protectors can protect against ghost attackers, and only non-ghost protectors can protect against non-ghost attackers.

·    Ghosts can’t be targeted by non-ghost players or affected by non-ghost modifiers, and non-ghosts can’t be targeted by ghost players or affected by ghost modifiers.

Example: Player A attaches Mark of the Wild to Player B’s ally. Later, Player B and his ally become ghosts, while Player A remains a non-ghost. Player B’s ally is no longer affected by Mark of the Wild’s modifier (but it remains attached), and Player A can no longer target that ally.

Mark of the Wild, 2, Druid, Instant Ability—Restoration
Attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has +2 ATK / +2 health.
R503.1d    As part of Teron flipping or leaving play, all ghosts revert to being non-ghosts.
R503.2    Reliquary of Souls (Boss 6)
R503.2a    The Reliquary of Souls appears across the four sides of two different cards. It enters play with the Shrine of Lost Souls face up until it flips to become the Essence of Suffering.
R503.2b    If the Essence of Suffering would be destroyed, swap (R101.4) it with the Essence of Desire instead. After it flips to become the Essence of Anger, this Boss can be destroyed.
R503.2c    Through each of these transitions (including Essence of Suffering to Essence of Desire)
·    Any attachments stay attached to the Boss.
·    If the Boss is ready/exhausted, it remains ready/exhausted.
·    Any modifiers affecting the Boss continue to do so within their durations.
·    No Event or Minion cards are flipped because no Boss has been destroyed.

R503.3    The Betrayer (Boss 9)

R503.3a    As The Betrayer enters play, in addition to following the rules in R502.2, the Boss player also discards his hand into the Main deck graveyard, then puts seven new cards from the Main deck into hand. These seven cards can’t be mulliganed.
R503.3b    Since The Betrayer is the final Boss, the cards in his resource row are never turned face up. They are used only to pay resource costs.
R503.3c    While The Betrayer is in play, the Betrayer Event step (R501.1b) follows the Boss player’s draw step.
R504.    Raid-specific concepts
R504.1    Minions
R504.1a    If a Minion is destroyed, it’s put into the Minion graveyard. If a Minion would otherwise leave play during a Raid, it’s destroyed instead.
R504.1b    Minions have a resource cost in their top left corner because they can be included in regular decks outside of this Raid. During a Raid game, the Boss player never pays a resource cost to play a Minion. During both Raid and regular games, if a link or modifier looks for a Minion card’s cost, it uses that card’s printed resource cost.
R504.2    Threat Level
R504.2a    Most Bosses have a threat level in their upper-right corner. During the wrap-up step of each raiding player’s turn, if he has more resources than the current Boss’s threat level, that player must destroy resources until he or she has resources equal to that threat level.
R504.2b    Boss 8 (The Illidari Council) and Boss 9 (The Betrayer) have no threat level, allowing raiding players to have any number of resources.
R505.    Black Temple™ FAQ
Blessed Medallion of Karabor, 8, Item, Neck (1)
Remove Blessed Medallion of Karabor from the game >>> Move to the right of another friendly player. Use only on your turn.
Moving to the right of another player means that your position in turn order becomes immediately before that player’s. You may physically move yourself and your cards to the immediate right of that player if this is agreeable to all players. Your turn continues as normal, and then that player takes the next turn. If there are only two players, nothing happens.
Cursed Vision of Sargeras, 3, Armor—Leather, Head (1), 2 DEF
[Activate] >>> If you completed a quest this turn, turn target resource face down.
You can activate this card whether or not you’ve completed a quest this turn, because it checks only on resolution. You pass the check even if you completed a quest before Cursed Vision of Sargeras entered play. A quest has been completed as soon as its reward effect has been successfully added to the chain.
Entry into the Black Temple, Quest
Pay (5) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card for each different class among allies in your party.
This counts classes rather than allies. The ten classes are death knight, druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, and warrior.
Fel Geyser, 2, Druid, Ability—Traitor
Traitor Hero Required
Ongoing: Opposing quests have "As an additional cost to complete, turn another one of your quests face down."
Trying to complete two quests at the same time so that each pays the other’s additional cost doesn’t work. If you control two Fel Geysers, opponents must turn two other quests face down, and so on.
Illidan Stormrage, 11, Master Hero—Night Elf Demon Demonhunter Traitor, 5 [Melee] ATK, 35 Health
Traitor Hero Required
At the start of your turn, you may put a Traitor ally card from your collection into play.
Illidan starts the game in your deck and can be played from your hand. He enters a party with the same attachments, counters, damage, and ready/exhausted state as that party’s previous hero, and anything affecting the previous hero (like a Gouge, for example) now affects Illidan. He enters play face up, and can't be flipped or turned face down. The previous hero is removed from the game and can’t leave that RFG zone.
Even though Illidan has no faction or class, you can still play faction- and class-stamped cards while he’s in your party because deckbuilding rules don’t apply during a game. However, a card like Blastershot Launcher that looks for an icon on your current hero loses its Hunter power while Illidan is in your party.
The Skull of Gul'dan, 2, Item, Trinket (2)
[Activate] >>> You pay (2) less the next time you pay a cost with (X) in it this turn.
You pay (2) less the next time you play a card (like Aimed Shot), use a payment power (like “Chipper” Ironbane’s), or complete a quest (like Preparing for War) with an actual (X) in its cost. Examples of cards that are not affected include Cleave, Dizdemona, and Massacre.
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7 December  7 December @ 2010-10-04 23:25:04

When will be released Catalysm?  When will be released Catalysm? @ 2010-01-24 18:39:53

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